Alta Psychiatry PLLC

Individual Psychotherapy

Alta Psychiatry PLLC

1818404699Weighed down and struggling…

That’s how you feel when your inner critic dominates you with negativity.

When whatever you do isn’t enough…

When any creative idea you come up with is immediately squashed…

When that negative voice nags you so much you can’t enjoy yourself with friends, family, and coworkers…

You can’t help but feel depressed and anxious!

You can’t fathom the idea of…

… living the rest of your life this way. You are very aware that you are suffering.

Part of you feels that the circumstances of your suffering are so unique there is no way out.

But another part intuits there may be a way out of this suffering, even if you don’t know how.

UnsplashIf you’re all in to make a change…

Individual therapy can help!

First, we’ll get to know YOU. Let’s understand your current circumstances and the root causes of your suffering. We’ll explore everything from your daily habits (at first) to your dreams (eventually) to identify coping patterns that no longer serve your overall well-being.

After we have a grasp of what’s going on, we’ll move to problem-solving. We’ll look at how your behaviors (of your mind and body) are contributing to your struggles. When you take them on one at a time, your success will compound steadily over time!

A big part of individual therapy is developing the skills needed to notice these issues on your own. We’ll work on enhancing your awareness and getting you back in touch with your intuition and authentic self. In psychological jargon, we call this “mindfulness-based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.”

As your awareness grows, we’ll also explore the deeper meaning in your life, tapping into the amazing source of energy, joy, and willpower that lies within you. You’ll learn to find purpose and fulfillment in even the most difficult struggles.

You’ve suffered enough!

You are already perfect and inherently whole.

All we need to do is to tap into your inner healing intelligence, taking advantage of the natural principles of directed living systems to rediscover your wellness.

Let’s put you on the path to emotional freedom!

You are in good hands. Take the next step toward feeling better by calling for your free consultation: (929) 260-2084.